Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Career risks that one must never take

You have to be ready to take big risks if you want big returns but it doesn’t mean that you must take risks just for the sake of taking it. Taking gambles may be crucial; however it’s not a reason to toss your attentiveness away. Your career is generally in up to you. That denotes you have to make sure you make intelligent choices.

It is just natural to desire to grow and advance in your career. And some risks do need to be undertaken to be able to advance. All you have to determine is if the risks you are taking are the right one. This involves wisdom to take sensibly dignified risks on purpose. It as well indicates you have to be ready for failure.

Taking a vigorous part in your life and work takes in going for some risks. How you handle risk-taking can have a major influence on your career.

When you’re rendering career decisions, your comfort level in risks-taking have a tendency to hinge on the type of risk you’re thinking and the amount of control you sense you have concerning the circumstances.

When reflecting your next career change, remember Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia’s career risks that you should never take

Stop bad terms. Stay on good terms with ex-coworkers and bosses. Who knows you may need their help again. You never know you may have to return to the company again or go back to the country of Jakarta Indonesia you once work again, and if this is the situation, it will be an effortless transition if you have upheld pleasant relationships even after you leaving. One more dispute is that in many fields populace are much interrelated, so if you depart a position on bad terms, those in other organizations in your similar field may catch the news and judge you for that reason.

Badmouth the boss. This is one more possible career destroyer that appears innocuous since most people seem to be drawn in it. Though, uttering something undesirable with reference to the boss to the unsuitable person can be the highest formula of self-sabotage. And even if you voice something destructively regarding the boss to somebody you trust; there is at all times the risk that somebody else with a not the same agenda may possibly hear your conversation. So you better get all the complaints together and properly address them to right authorities.

Become satisfied in your present title. There is at all times the chance that your job could be cut even if you are good at the job you do or how steady your organization may look like. And for that, you should keep on being attentive. You should particularly remain on the lookout for the following warnings that may imply that your job is at risk.

Rest satisfied with your present knowledge base. You must invest in yourself. Retain your skills the latest in your present position and let your boss recognize about any new certifications or licenses that you have achieved. Remaining well-informed of what is current in your field, place you good as a valued employee, and it as well makes you sought-after in the event your job is abolished regardless of your best hard work.

Make the most of a tuition reimbursement program on the job if possible. If that is not obtainable, you can nevertheless invest in yourself. Read want ads to discover what skills or qualifications are stated as being favored. At that point take the necessary stages to get these skills and qualifications.

Be contingent exclusively on posted job listings throughout your job search. Most job hunters depend on job boards as their lone job search technique when eyeing for a new position. Job boards are where you will discover the most match. Even though you must use job boards as element of your job search mix, you must as well include networking, recruiters, and professional relations into your job hunt to upsurge your job search outcomes.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Things every job seeker should have

Job seeking is tough and nerve-wracking. Here are things you need to have that make it easier to find a job by Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia. It is a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie’s website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China and many more.

A custom-made resume:  Over 90% of the resumes HR receives are not customized for specific jobs. That is how they do the first round of cuts. Canned resume = no additional in process. They don’t want anybody who obviously doesn’t put forth any effort. A customized resume is without question essential.

A web presence: You need to have a LinkedIn profile and it should be always updated. You possibly will have to have a Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram account, be subjected to your industry. You might as well really take into consideration a personal website if you don’t already have one. At the very least, you need to be at least able to be seen – and your social media profiles must be clean and mirror the very best description of you. Always review and keep your profile posted. Employers are going to Google you, and if they won’t be able to acquire anything, they might just transfer to the next person. Not having a web occurrence these days is like not existing. But always be warmed of scams on the internet.

A decent picture of yourself: Employers want to identify what you look like and whether they are fond of what you look like. And no, opposing to general belief, it is not illegal to make hiring decisions based on physical appearance. Your LinkedIn profile should have a pleasant, professional looking headshot that is not too close, not blurred, and doesn’t have someone else cropped out of it. Hire a photographer, and take a decent picture.

A wingman: Usually, a wingman is someone you carry along when trying to pick up girls. In the job search, the term is applied to your sounding board friend. You must have a friend to check your resume and cover letters, practice interview with you, and inform you if what you’re wearing looks unwise. This individual must be smart and cruelly honest. You need to have at least one friend who is.

A good interview outfit: At all times, you must have an outfit ready. You don’t want to have to go clothes shopping at the last minute. Clean shoes, pressed pants, tights with no runs. One must generally blunder on the side of formality for the interview; however some research into the company discernment wouldn’t hurt. When in doubt, go more conservative like wear black, grey, or blue. Choose colors carefully.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Increase Your Career Confidence

Westhill Career and Employment’s six things you should do before any big ask.

(Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia. It is a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie’s website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.)

Practice makes perfect: Despite the fact its factual some people are born in nature confident, for the rest of us it takes practice. See confidence as one more skill you must to practice, learn, perfect and earn.

Dress in a power outfit. Today we must be dressed with a modern suit of armor. Get a go-to power outfit. Whatever you pick must make you look great while correspondingly feeling confident and powerful. When we look our best we're usually more up for a work challenge.

Identify your fear. We frequently lose our confidence when we aren't ready. Confidence is realized through experience. Do your homework in advance to your next meeting. Do the research and distinguish the hard numbers and facts off the top of your head as contrasting to checking notes while in a meeting or presentation. Don't let yourself be in the situation to fail. Focus on using your knowledge and expertise to persuade your boss, co-worker or client.

Videotape. It's very hard to picture ourselves in high stress circumstances when we aren't at the office. Videotape yourself the night prior to a presentation, business trip or sales meeting. You'll discover points where you stumble or use filler words. You are stumbling in these sections because you aren't as ready as you should be. If you haven't persuaded yourself of your words then you won't be able to influence anyone else. You'll also be conscious of your body language as these are all dead giveaways to a listener that you are not confident.

Speak up. If you have complaints, say so – with respect of course. With confidence comes respect. You must learn how to speak out and pull-out your expert view into the workplace conversation. On your subsequent staff meeting, put on your go-to power clothing and make a point to improve your two cents on the meeting's agenda. Get ready in advance. This is the time to modify your company's view of you. Become a voice your boss and co-workers look for in a packed room. Don't nibble your tongue if you've got a great idea -- broadcast it.

Warning! Don't' stress over stress. Everybody gets stressed out from time to time. Rather than thinking of that stress as a confidence buster -- use it to your benefit. We frequently get stressed out when we're working on a challenging mission. Stress happens in the expectation of working on an assignment out of our comfort zone. Pursue these types of opportunities. If you are getting complacent or uninterested at the office, that's when idleness and disordered work ethic come. To learn more how to increase your career confidence just visit WesthillConsulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Handle Your Energy Better and Avoid Burnout

Take a break. Your work will be better for it and you will be more productive       

Westhill Consulting Career & Employment is based in Australia. It is a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie’s website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.

Here's the simple truth: Your habits disturb your health, and your health influences how you work and how you live. When you're going 24/7, it's unavoidable that you will hit a wall at some instant. This wall could display as a lingering health issue, loss of energy, or just a gradual disconnection from work and will certainly lead to many complaints in life in general.

If you don't replenish, your stamina, mental capacity, creativity, and focus will be affected.

Having worked with countless top athletes and executives on the verge of burnout, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, in their article "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," in Harvard Business Review's "Bringing Your Whole Self to Work," put forth their recipe for energy management and high performance: Establishing rituals that energize you physically, promote mental focus, emotional connection, and spiritual alignment.

A minor but powerful carryout is the advantage of just taking a break.

After 90-120 minutes, our mental and creative capacities naturally begin to decrease. To remain trudging away on something yonder that point interprets into more errors and lower overall work quality. So even if it's 5-10 minutes -- just take a break.

And how about food, the connection between food and mood is genuine and can modify your energy, focus, and attitude. Yes, it's that enormous. If you need some mental clarity, fresh berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries upturn attentiveness and increase energy. Why, for the reason that they are packed with polyphenols that support brain cell communication.

Furthermore great are plant foods that contain folate, and vitamins E and K, such as spinach. Spinach's antioxidants can improve motor skills memory as well. One more great source of folate is avocado and don't fear the fat -- its good fat!

Better yet, toss all of the above into a blender and make your own power smoothie. Actual, maintainable alteration occurs over time. Begin small and see what come about.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Habits to Sleep Your Direction to the Top

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie’s website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, tips on how to sleep your way to the top.

Take Power Naps: Our hunting-and-gathering tradition may have prepped us for these days’ power naps. Research demonstrates that 20 minutes of sleep in the middle of our workday -- about eight hours after rising --is in fact more replenishing compare to 20 minutes more in the morning. Lengthier naps, those of an hour's value, put you into deeper sleep, which may disturb your night's sleep or allow you to become groggy. Contrariwise, this quantity and depth of sleep is more restorative -- increasing your cognitive functioning significantly.

Meditation: If you can't catch a good spot in the office to nap, or feel uncomfortable, meditation might help. Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Simple mindfulness can decrease stress, revive energy, and increase focus.

No Coffee by 3 p.m.: That denotes Red Bull, as well. Likewise re-consider those sugary or carb-heavy snacks. Substances like nicotine, alcohol, decongestants and pain relievers also damagingly disturb sleep.

Paying Off Your Sleep Debt: Over-sleeping is not the answer, over-sleeping on weekends to make up in general doesn't do the trick. Sleep deficiency is accumulative. Twelve hours on Saturday can't recompense for the limited five hours you get each work night.

Sleeping With the Enemy: Warning! Research demonstrates that sleeping with your smartphone, as some 75% of Millennials confess to performing, disturbs your sleep. Even checking your devices near bedtime has a negative  outcome on the length and value of sleep.

Check into a Sleep Lab: An increasing quantity of sleep labs and specialists are available to help counting the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic at the University of California Berkeley. These scientists are the ones who learned the link concerning weight gain and lack of sleep.

Become a Sleep Evangelist. Let's all pledge to the need of a good night's sleep. Let's share our fully-awake-and-refreshed mantra with others in the workplace. Challenge and review our company executives, managers, and human resource professionals to create policies, particularly for after-work technology usage, that support the New Sleep.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Here are the reasons why you are tired all the time

According to New York clinical psychologist Michele Berdy, whose clientele includes many in their 50s and 60s "Exhaustion is the expression not just of a lack of sleep, but a much more profound underlying response to the conditions in which we live."

Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie’s website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, will share you these reasons why you always feel tired at work all the time.

Running At Full Tilt
Economics and technology enhance the exhaustion cocktail. Whereas one's 50s and 60s were supposedly a time to slow down since they are heading toward retirement, today's boomers are usually still in high gear working and achieving, on occasion playing catch-up to replenish retirement funds after being laid off or taking a financial hit.

This feeling of having to defeat the clock, so to speak, has trained them to a 24/7 work life. "It's not unusual for people to feel like they have to be available to work at all times through smartphones, texting and email," says Berdy. "That creates a sense that work is not bounded, which means leisure is always poor. There is never a sense of fully being on your own time."

Warning! Numerous boomers who came of age with a profound sense of idealism and possibilities see today's world - with its economic realities, unwelcoming job market and even global terrorism - and answer back by feeling tired, an existential tiredness.

Compounding that are concerns regarding their children's futures in a slow economy, which causes more worry.

"It's a step away from despair," says Berdy. "On the one hand, being fully awake in one's life is desirable, but the reality of how most of us live our lives is far afield from that."

Seek Passion to Lessen Fatigue
According to research from the National Institute on Aging in Washington, D.C., retirement after decades of being in the workforce can also be accompanied by anxiety, a low-level depression and even a sense of boredom, all of which can be expressed as fatigue.

A fresh retiree whose high-intensity career extend over four decades may wake up to long days with very slight things to do. The best cure for that form of tiredness is volunteer work or uncovering a passion or pastime that restores a sensation of creativity and productivity. Review things that you may be able to do.

Given that, tenacious tiredness is sometimes a result from sleeplessness and insomnia, which is furthermore more usual as people get older. According to Dr. Michael Irwin, a psychiatry professor and director of the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at UCLA, some people have frenetic workdays and go to bed with a high level of arousal. They can't maintain sleep.

But a mild, non-restorative sleep can worsen daytime sleepiness and furthermore take a grave toll on health. In his fresh study published in the September issue of the journal Sleep, Irwin and his team of researchers documented for the first time the advantages of handling insomnia to decrease levels of inflammation-causing C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator for disease in older people. The research moreover documented cognitive behavioral therapy as the most successful treatment for insomnia.

Whether your tiredness is the cause of non-restorative sleep or life's stressors, the following antidotes recommended by the National Institute on Aging may help lessen persistent tiredness:

  • Keep an 'exhaustion diary' so you can pinpoint certain times of the day or situations that make you feel more tired.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid long naps during the day that leave you groggy and make it harder to fall asleep at night.
  • Stop smoking, which can lead to diseases that zap energy.
  • If you feel swamped and overwhelmed, ask for help. Working with others collaboratively can make tasks easier and diminish a feeling of tiredness.
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