Tuesday, 22 September 2015

How to Get Through a Job You Hate

Lucky for those people who find meaning and happiness in their jobs and here you are, stuck within the four corners of your office, trying to answer the question, “Why am I even here”.

Being irritated in your work can also affect your daily lives. Even external factors like being stuck in the midst of traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia, pushing your way through the busy streets of Tokyo, Japan or just strolling hurriedly to get home in the busy hours of New York can have great impact on the way you look at your work.

You can’t complain nor can you resign since you have to pay the bills, your child needs to be fed and you have to provide the basic necessities for your family. You promise to get out of there as soon as you can find a more suitable job but that promise keeps getting postponed with the growing demand of life.

So here you are, currently stuck in where you are, dealing with uninteresting job, sloppy colleagues and unfair boss who doesn’t know how to handle his subordinates. You are trying to find a good review on how to be happy at work but nothing seems to be fit for you. Already exasperated?

Westhill Consulting and Employment, your long-time Australian partner in career advices and personality development, might help you find a meaning for the work you are currently in:

1. Why?

There is definitely a reason why you are currently employed in where you are now. Maybe you have been there driven by the fact that perhaps you have to send your sister to college or help your family pay your debts? While you are struggling, you are also sacrificing your personal happiness in front of your demanding and boring job to help others. For the others who find happiness in their jobs, that happiness is already their reward but for you who are doing it for others, a greater reward is reaped.

2. Share your Positivity

Instead of sulking and feeling pitiful for yourself, make use of your time and be positive as much as possible. If you can’t do it, then, do it for others. Treat your colleagues to a lunch out or share a cookie to your seatmate. Their appreciation can create a sense of fulfillment within you. Little kindness virtues, creativity, honesty, social attitude and gratitude never go unnoticed.

3. The Present is a Gift

Try to remember the tough tracks you have been in the past and the sufferings you have been through to get to where you are now. Reflect on the accomplishments you have so far despite of all the hard work and the stress you have been from yesterday. Now, imagine the future you want to achieve, far from the career life you are despising right now. Count the few more steps you will be taking before finally achieving it. By reflecting and connecting things from the past and the future, you can make the present be bearable enough to endure.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

How to Get Away From Procrastination

Procrastination is one of the worst attitudes in a workplace, yet, it is also a master for many of us. Admittedly so, we experience procrastination every now and then in our lives. Since a task has no deadline, nor do we have any timetable, we tend to procrastinate. We may be able to get away with it once or twice but it can cause a lot of problems if it becomes a habit.

Beating procrastination habits is hard. According to Westhill Consulting and Employment, one of the longest running career development and personality growth councilor based in Australia, almost 80% of employees suffer from procrastination habits. In many reviews, experts are already considering it as an underlying psychological disorder.

To defeat this kind of attitude, the following are some of the tips that can be practiced:

1.            Stop cramming
Learn the art of pro-commitment. Some people works better under the pressure of cramming but most of them fail to present a best result. In college, we are oftentimes awed at our ability to pull something out of an all-nighter. It would be a positive way to put it but in truth, we just don’t have any way out so we push ourselves to the limit despite sacrificing quality. Thinking of the end result other than the remaining time left would keep you on your feet.

2.            Divide your Task and Set a Timetable
Just like setting a timetable on the amount of time you should be showering, being conscious of duration of traffic (especially when you are in Jakarta, Indonesia and Tokyo, Japan) or keeping track of the number of steps you will be taking before you reach your office, Being detailed on what you have to do on what time would definitely help you keep track of your task. When you can’t get away from cramming, setting a timetable can start fire from under your seat. Without knowing it, you are no longer procrastinating and have finished your task before the deadline.

3.            Find Someone who can Inspire You

And this does not refer only in the romantic context. You can hang out with people who you think can better influence you to work better or find someone who can challenge you to be at your limits. If you think peers are not important now that you are working, think again. What surrounds you can also affect your mindset in a big way. When you are with people who can have a lot of complaints, you also tend to voice out yours. But when you are with people who think smart, you also tend to be smart.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Enough is enough: Reasons to Give Up on Your Work

In a relationship, there are martyrs, the ones who still stick even when they are already hurt or in pain. There are also playboys and playgirl, the ones who jump from one partner to another. Same happens in your work and depending on your personality; you can either be a martyr or a playboy.

According to previous articles written by Westhill Career and Employment, an Australian-based company centered on career development and professional etiquette, an average person is expected to change careers several time their lifetime. As pointed by a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20-40 years old employees tend to jump from one job to another at least 5 times. One of the main reasons for the career change is that people often don’t make informed decisions or may want to expand their horizons.

Reviews on how to find a career right for you or on how to stay in your job are frequent. This information is crucial in each individual’s growth. Making informed decision can certainly increase the likelihood that you can be satisfied with your job and ensure your tenure.

Changing a career may be tough for so many people since they don’t have that much reason to give up. But how will you know if you already have to leave?

Here are some of the main pointers to know if you have already reached rock bottom in your career:

1. There is a big Change in your Life

When you chose your career, your life may have been different than it is today. Unless you were able to balance all those things, then, it would be harder to cope. Your husband may be complaining right now or you might have lost time for your children anymore. The crazy schedule or the frequent travel that is typical of your career may not suit your new lifestyle. You should look for an occupation that is more "family friendly."

2. Your Job Outlook may seem dim

Due to the fast pace changes in technology, the fluctuation in economy, or the uncertainties of the industry, many field of career are already plummeting. When the future of your career is already getting dim and the research doesn’t promise any certainty or shows worse other than being better, then, it may be best to leave.

3. You are experiencing Job Burn Out

If your task is already too hard on you or you don’t find any reason to wake up every morning and greet your colleagues anymore, then, you are very well experiencing a burnout. It's time to change careers so you can once again enjoy going to work.